About Marcy Goldman

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Hello Fellow Bakers!

Are you in love with baking? Then you've come to the right place! You've lucked on an oasis in wheat, recipes and the home of a cookbook author, writer and professional baker, Marcy Goldman.

Some say baking is a science; I believe it's an art and craft of the highest order. To this, I add intuition, imagination and my own passion. Each recipe is a baking 'haiku' I share with you so you can bake-it-forward with family and friends?

Launched in 1997, Marcy Goldman's Betterbaking.com has been my online test kitchen where I welcome bakers and all manner of people interested in great food. It's where I share my baking passion, expertise and love of nurturing others. BB is a friendly place, both recipe rich (just check the Recipe Archives), reflective of a distinctive style of baking: easy, creative, unique, bespoke home baking. Sometimes I present classic recipes but updated or offer deconstructed classics along with trendy recipes, decadent or rustic and grainy or those shot with global flavors. I never forget to include some cooking too, as the title of one of my cookbooks says, when a baker cooks, the food is fantastic! (Because everyone knows bakers are also great chef cuisiniers as well). Aside from doable, original recipes, I am delighted to pass on all I know in the way of professional trade secrets of a trained pastry chef and master baker.

BB is a can-do place. My mission is to both entertain you and help you bake better. It's that simple and that much fun.

So, welcome and as always, happy baking from my kitchen to yours.


Master Baker, Author|www.Betterbaking.com|Montreal, Canada

Essential Bio

I'm a master baker and pastry chef, cookbook author and food journalist. A graduate in English Literature from McGill University, I also hold my professional pastry and baking diploma from the prestigious l'Hotellerie et Tourisme du Quebec in Montreal. But I really learned baking as a 7 year old, experimenting in the kitchen, mixing up all manner of disasters to feed my live-in Russian grandmother who I adored.

At the outset my culinary career, I was a specialty cake supplier for cafes and restaurants as well as a baking and restaurant consultant. Over the years, I parlayed my experience and education into food feature writing and eventually to Betterbaking.com and cookbook publishing, both with traditional publishing and more recently, independently.

I've been a frequent guest on Martha Stewart Sirius, NPR, CBC, and many U.S. syndicated radio stations. I'm also a contributor to the New York Times, Washington Post, Bon Appetite Magazine, Costco Connection, Food and Wine, Cook's, Fine Cooking, the Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Montreal Gazette and Epicurious and a guest on other blogs. I was a featured columnist for Clabbergirl Baking powder for over a decade and now am a featured blogger with Starfrit.

In addition to my baking platform, I also have an expertise in scent and fragrance industry and my perfume writings can be found at www.MistressOfScents.com. As a tango dancer, my writings on Argentinian tango can be found at www.TangoConfidential.com. I've published poetry in the New York Times and a small book called Love and Ordinary Things.