Free BB Recipe Classics

Something awesome is always baking in the BB Test Kitchen. If you're new to BB or don't (yet) have any of Marcy Goldman's cookbooks, I'm delighted to share a trio of classic recipes to get you started!

#1 Cold Rise Pizza Dough!


A close up of a pizza with pepperoni and cheese

Simply the best, easiest pizza crust ever!


Cold Rise Rustic Pizza Dough
I cannot tell you how many ways I make pizza dough and how I like each and every one. But this one is about the easiest and gives you a crisp, bistro style pizza. It's better if you let it sojourn in the fridge overnight but even made the same day, it's awesome.


½ teaspoon instant yeast
1 ½ cups spring water, room temperature
4-5 cups bread flour
2 tablespoons semolina
1 3/4 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons light olive oil


In a mixer bowl or bread machine, whisk the yeast and water together. Add in most of the flour, semolina, salt, sugar and olive oil. Mix, then gently knead, adding in more flour as required to make a soft dough. Cover and let rise 8-12 hours. (or after 6 hours if it is later in the day, refrigerate the dough).

Place the dough in a plastic bag which has been lightly sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Refrigerate overnight or up until two days.

To bake –divide dough into three.

Pan out as you prefer for pizza (in a pan or on a baking sheet). Smear with olive oil and then put on the toppings you like. Cover with a large plastic sheet and let rise 1-4 hours.

Preheat oven to 475 F for a good hour before you bake. Bake on middle shelf of oven (about 9-14 minutes per pizza)

Makes 3 pizzas

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