The scented life - all about fragrance, from perfumes to essential oils, home fragrance and more. This is where you'll find my product reviews and features on this amazing subject and pet passion project.
Not surprisingly, chefs are also alchemists. As a master baker, I've long dabbled with all things scented or otherwise fragrant. I've written about fragrance in magazines and newspapers and I've been an (unofficial) scent consultant for anyone who wants to know what scent suits them.
Scent seduces the senses and brings solace to the soul. Please join me on the fragrant path of perfumes, essential oils, potions, tonics and elixirs. Most of my reviews are for both traditional and all-natural perfumes and oil but I also give due attention to home scent, including incense, aromatherapy, candles, soaps, lotions, diffusers and specialty simmering-kettles of orange peel and cinnamon.
For more on scent, please visit my scent blog,