A Note from Marcy August 2022

A Note from Marcy August 2022

A Note from Marcy August 2022

August Baker’s Stash 2022

Dear Fellow Bakers and Friends,

Welcome to the August 2022 aka : gone-fishing, summer edition of Betterbaking.com. This is the issue where I'm brief and essentially leave you some recipes to enjoy and wish you a happy, remaining month of summer. The baker is relaxing and hopes you are too.

One short bakery thing I can share is that I have been re-doing all my bakeware. After decades of good service it’s time to sort out my pans and cull what I don’t need or what can be replaced. – yes, even my favorites although those I’ll probably store away. Seriously, how long can you look at the same tried-and-true but grungy pans? Change is good and lately I get a sense of serenity with uniformity. So I am opting for mostly the same brand for loaf pans, square and rectangular pans (USA Pan, Chicago Metallic, Fat Daddio and Wilton). For other baking needs I’m using Emile Henry which is really nice for pastry since it helps things brown so well, presents beautifully and washes up like a dream.

For pie pans, I am toggling between a few options and that’s probably the only place where I’m not always about sameness. I like variety in pie pans. However on that end, I’m bought a set of miniature pie plates so that I can make a variety of pie flavors for my favorite people and instead of sending them home with sloshy slices of pie, I send them home with their own mini pie. Look at these brands that do come in sets of four or six pie plates Pyrex, Anchor Hocking, Pioneer Woman Vintage Pie pan set. You can also freeze unbaked pies this way and either bake-off a small one as you need it or send someone home with their own pie to bake-off. What a lovely way to extend summer. It just one day occurred to me that wedges of take-home pie are delicious but they can be messy and offering someone an entire leftover 9-inch pie is too much.

Happy baking from my kitchen to yours, and wishing you a mellow and serene summer,

Marcy Goldman
Master Baker, Author


Mixed Berry Cobbler Bars
What is more summery than a medley of berries in an easy bar? Cut and serve or take with you on the run!

Free Recipe
Ontario Peach Pie
Nothing beats Ontario peaches unless they’re Quebec peaches, Georgia, California or name a region known for their peaches and this recipe will do them proud!

A golden sour cream cake is uplifted with a cinnamon swirl layer, topped with cinnamon sugar crumble and then finished in fondant. This is a cinnamon bun in a cake. A great slicing cake for company. Feel free to swap Greek yogurt for the sour cream. Walnut decor is optional.

What is a better light, sweet yeast recipe for summer than Blueberry Buns


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