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The BB Recipe Archives is a treasury as well as a comprehensive resource of sumptuous baking and cooking recipes that I've developed for my visitors. It's home to over 2500 of my original creations most of which are not found in my cookbooks. New and exciting recipes are being added all the time. Can't find what you're looking for or need baking help? Just contact

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A chocolate cake with one bite taken out of it.

Behold the beautiful art from the generous studio of Lucile Prache celebrating the soup of the hour, Chicken Soup with Matzoh Balls. Visit Lucile’s site to view other gorgeous culinary art – all available as prints or custom original work.  Lucile Prache is a French-based artist who is classically trained and takes her inspiration from her […]

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A Note from Marcy April 2018

A Note from Marcy April 2018

Welcome to the fresh and springy April 2018 issue of! This newsletter should be reach you just after the spring holidays of Passover and Easter, the reason being I knew most of you would be preoccupied in one way of another with the festive meals at the beginning of April. So I decided to […]

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A close up of some food on a plate

A Note from Marcy April 2020

 Dear Bakers and Friends, Good morning and welcome to April 2020 issue of   I wish I could say happy April Fool’s Day  because that would mean all this ‘stuff in the air’ would be either a joke or collective bad dream. But when everyone is having the same yucky dream you know it’s not […]

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A Note from Marcy April 2021

A Note from Marcy April 2021

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Good morning to you all on this snowy, April Fool’s Day and welcome to the April 2021 Issue of I know Easter is still before us and Passover is winding down so this issue is all about uplifting spring tastes. I promised myself I would sniff out new baking […]

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A Note from Marcy April 2022

A Note from Marcy April 2022

Dear Fellow Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the April 2022 Issue of and to the springy tastes as well as a batch of holiday forward (Easter and Passover) recipes! As I look out my window, creating this newsletter, I see dog walkers, a runner, flocks of geese, a little rain and a little snow. […]

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A chocolate cake with one slice cut out of it.

A Note from Marcy April 2023

  Behold the beautiful art from the generous studio of Lucile Prache celebrating the soup of the hour, Chicken Soup with Matzoh Balls. Visit Lucile’s site to view other gorgeous culinary art – all available as prints or custom original work. Lucile Prache is a French-based artist who is classically trained and takes her inspiration from […]

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A Note from Marcy April 2024

A Note from Marcy April 2024

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Welcome to the April 2024 Issue of and happy holiday Easter weekend! Ah April ! What a soothing  balm after the sleepy, cold world we called home, at least in this  hemisphere, for past several months.  My friends in Australia, New Zealand and other parts south and east of […]

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A close up of an orange slice on top of cake

A Note from Marcy August 2020

Hello Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the farm stand fresh issue of, circa August 2020! Although I’m not a summer person, August is one of my favorite months because as warm as it is, there’s an infinitesimal change in the air. Early into Leo’s domain, you notice that the sun falls into your windows […]

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A Note from Marcy August 2021

A Note from Marcy August 2021

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Welcome to the August Issue of! All is well on the north eastern front; the days are balmy and sweet and my baking is fast and slow. One day I bake eight breads because (heavens!) I’m out of bread and why make one loaf when eight is more fun? […]

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A Note from Marcy August 2022

A Note from Marcy August 2022

August Baker’s Stash 2022 Dear Fellow Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the August 2022 aka : gone-fishing, summer edition of This is the issue where I’m brief and essentially leave you some recipes to enjoy and wish you a happy, remaining month of summer. The baker is relaxing and hopes you are too. One […]

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