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The BB Recipe Archives is a treasury as well as a comprehensive resource of sumptuous baking and cooking recipes that I've developed for my visitors. It's home to over 2500 of my original creations most of which are not found in my cookbooks. New and exciting recipes are being added all the time. Can't find what you're looking for or need baking help? Just contact

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Archive | April, 2021

A Note from Marcy April 2021

A Note from Marcy April 2021

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Good morning to you all on this snowy, April Fool’s Day and welcome to the April 2021 Issue of I know Easter is still before us and Passover is winding down so this issue is all about uplifting spring tastes. I promised myself I would sniff out new baking […]

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A Note from Marcy July 2024

A Note from Marcy July 2024

Dear Bakers and Friends, (It must be noted that this Note from Marcy was crafted by a real person and not AI as all notes-from-Marcy are. As a consequence there might be some errors of proof-reading but you are guaranteed human original creativity) Welcome to the July 2024 issue of Happy Birthday to my […]

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