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The BB Recipe Archives is a treasury as well as a comprehensive resource of sumptuous baking and cooking recipes that I've developed for my visitors. It's home to over 2500 of my original creations most of which are not found in my cookbooks. New and exciting recipes are being added all the time. Can't find what you're looking for or need baking help? Just contact

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Archive | April, 2020

A close up of some food on a plate

A Note from Marcy April 2020

 Dear Bakers and Friends, Good morning and welcome to April 2020 issue of   I wish I could say happy April Fool’s Day  because that would mean all this ‘stuff in the air’ would be either a joke or collective bad dream. But when everyone is having the same yucky dream you know it’s not […]

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A Note from Marcy May 2020

A Note from Marcy May 2020

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Happy May and welcome to the Taurus issue of Have you ever had so much to say and then the time comes to speak and you’re all tongue-tied or you simply forgot the stuff on your mind? That’s me a lot of the time but so much more so […]

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