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The BB Recipe Archives is a treasury as well as a comprehensive resource of sumptuous baking and cooking recipes that I've developed for my visitors. It's home to over 2500 of my original creations most of which are not found in my cookbooks. New and exciting recipes are being added all the time. Can't find what you're looking for or need baking help? Just contact

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Archive | January, 2019

A close up of a cake with some crumbs on it

A Note from Marcy January 2020

Hello fellow bakers and friends, Happy New Year and welcome to the January 2020 issue of  It’s a whole bright new day of baking and life. Welcome and thank you too, to the folks who signed up with the Boxing Day BB Bogo (buy one year of BB and get two full years of […]

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A pastry covered in icing and nuts on top of a cooling rack.

A Note from Marcy, January 2019

Dear Fellow Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the regular January 2019 issues of I hope you’ve all had a wonderful holiday and are easing into January with a sense of serenity, optimism and an appetite for a brand new year of baking adventures. I thought about all the things I could say in this […]

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