Author Archives : Marcy Goldman

All Recipes or Posts by Marcy Goldman

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   Cinnamon Ripple Quick Bread with Crumb Topping

  Cinnamon Ripple Quick Bread with Crumb Topping

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This slices like velvet and is moist and delicious. Greek yogurt makes this especially tender and the crumb topping is a bonus of texture on top. Cake ½ cup unsalted...

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A close up of some brownies on a plate

 Double Fudge Banana Cake

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This moist cake is deep and delicious with cocoa and chocolate chips and heightened with bananas. If you like chocolate or banana cake, you will adore this cake. You can...

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A close up of some baked donuts with nuts

 Maple Sour Cream Schnecken

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These can be made a day ahead and left for a slow, cool rise in the fridge. A touch of maple syrup in the pan glaze makes these as perfect...

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Almond Tea Cookies

Almond Tea Cookies

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These are rustic amaretti cookies that are perfect with iced tea or espresso.  It wasn't the intention to make these anything but terrific but they happen to be gluten free!...

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A heart shaped wreath of flowers and leaves.

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Happy February 2023 everyone and welcome to the newest issue of! In this edition of BB, you’ll find some recipes of the moment, i.e. things I’ve been working on that suit this time of year that I thought you’d like as much as I do. In the BB Archives, […]

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A chocolate cake with one bite taken out of it.

Behold the beautiful art from the generous studio of Lucile Prache celebrating the soup of the hour, Chicken Soup with Matzoh Balls. Visit Lucile’s site to view other gorgeous culinary art – all available as prints or custom original work.  Lucile Prache is a French-based artist who is classically trained and takes her inspiration from her […]

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A biscuit with butter and jam on it

A Note from Marcy 2023

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Welcome to the May 2023 Issue of! As a Taurus I’m naturally May-centric but you have to admit there’s a lot of nice things going on this month. April is a jokester and it’s transitional and the weather is undecided. But May is a balm; it’s as pretty as […]

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A Note from Marcy April 2018

A Note from Marcy April 2018

Welcome to the fresh and springy April 2018 issue of! This newsletter should be reach you just after the spring holidays of Passover and Easter, the reason being I knew most of you would be preoccupied in one way of another with the festive meals at the beginning of April. So I decided to […]

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