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The BB Recipe Archives is a treasury as well as a comprehensive resource of sumptuous baking and cooking recipes that I've developed for my visitors. It's home to over 2500 of my original creations most of which are not found in my cookbooks. New and exciting recipes are being added all the time. Can't find what you're looking for or need baking help? Just contact

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Archive | 2024

A Note from Marcy April 2024

A Note from Marcy April 2024

Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Welcome to the April 2024 Issue of and happy holiday Easter weekend! Ah April ! What a soothing  balm after the sleepy, cold world we called home, at least in this  hemisphere, for past several months.  My friends in Australia, New Zealand and other parts south and east of […]

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A Note from Marcy January 2024

A Note from Marcy January 2024

Dear Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the January 2024 issue of and happy New Year to you all! I trust this note finds you well, relaxed, healthy and ready for a new season of baking or some kinder, gentler post-holiday baking.  I’ve chosen some eclectic recipes this month. For the record, I considered wellness […]

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A Note from Marcy June 2024

A Note from Marcy June 2024

 Dear Fellow Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the June 2024 issue of This is a very unique issue for me because big surprise: about a week ago my oven literally exploded! Consequently testing new recipes for this issue abruptly ended in ah, a flash. So what happened? In a nutshell as I was taking […]

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February 2024 A Note from Marcy Goldman's

February 2024 A Note from Marcy Goldman’s

Dear Fellow Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the’ heartiest’ month of the year where our fingers and toes may be boned-chilled but inside our hearts are warm and glowing. It’s the second month of the year, aka the love month, book-marked mid-way by Valentine’s  Day. Ah Valentine’s day… a day people love or hate or […]

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Homemade Butter

Homemade Butter

What’s better for homemade bread than homemade butter. I used to beat heavy cream with a whisk but nowadays, I just add cream to a good processor bowl and keep the machine on until the butter curds separate. It’s fast and easy and you end up with amazing, fresh butter.  2 cups heavy or whipping […]

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March 2024 A Note from Marcy

March 2024 A Note from Marcy

 Dear Friends and Fellow Bakers, Welcome to the March 2024 issue of and our seventh Leap Year together! This edition is a compelling and unique collision of St. Pat’s and Purim Baking, which of course is a natural mash-up. Ok, that’s not really accurate but I amboasting the best quartet of recipes you can […]

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May 2024 A Note from Marcy

May 2024 A Note from Marcy

Dear Bakers and Friends, Welcome to the May 2024 issue of which is also the 27th year anniversary of my site. was launched in May 1997 or as I like to say, at the end of the last century. At the outset, I had something called a ‘webmaster’ which is now just called […]

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